The meeting began at 7:45 p.m. at Diana Lynn Rau's house.

Attendance: Mike Lohman, Diana Lynn Rau, Christine Lee, Stephen Lee, Charlie Rau, Guest: Kathy Jamison

SMR AGREEMENTS: Diana and Mike will talk to Maryann (Program Director at SMR) regarding agreements made with Tom Merkt (previous Nordic Director). One of these agreements is letting the middle and high school Nordic skiers and coaches ski free at SMR. Mike also mentioned that the Rocky Mtn Junior X-C races might be competing at SMR although dates are not yet set up.

SKI SWAP: Will be held at Devil's Thumb Ranch on Friday, October 24. DT has confirmed that we have the barn for this event. Mike Lohman has agreed to canvass advertisers about club discounts for member benefits. He will also talk to SMR and Igor at Devil's Thumb about club discounts and cost of season passes. Christine Lee has agreed to coordinate the Ski Swap and get volunteers to help with equipment check-in, the membership table, cashier, etc. Tina will work on the flyers, rack cards and member membership sheets.

FREE SKI LESSONS: Tomelfest at DT will be held on December 13. We will help Devil's Thumb with the lessons if they need us. There is a new director at Grand Lake, Larry Burke. Mike Lohman knows him. Mike and Diana will talk to Larry or whoever he appoints as manager of the Nordic Center about Grand Nordic's free lessons, (Saturday, December 20?). Snow Mountain Ranch does not have a Nordic Director yet but should have one in the next few weeks. Diana will talk to him/her about having the free lessons on the Sunday after the classic race (if it is held). Since it looks as if some of the Rocky Mountain Junior X-C races will be held at SMR we might have to change the dates of our free lessons both at Grand Lake and at SMR.
We need to get these dates ASAP so that Diana can talk to the Univ of Wyoming about doing free lessons in the afternoon as they did last year.

RACES: On Saturday, Jan. 24, the Stagecoach Classic will be held again, sponsored by Devil's Thumb and Grand Nordic will sponsor the Ranch2Ranch Trek . The date will probably be Saturday, February 7, but Diana is waiting for the dates for the junior championship races to be finalized before the final decision. We will have joint advertising with Granby Ranch and DT. Diana mentioned her idea of a third ski event which would be sponsored by Grand Lake Nordic Center.

COMP CENTER NORDIC PROGRAM : in search of Coach. Summer bike and strength training program didn't get off the ground. Maybe next summer. Mike has done some work with others on RMD (Rocky Mountain Nordic Division) involvement.

SMR Nordic Center Work Day: We will wait and see if the new Nordic Director wants to do this. It was very successful last year.

FINANCE: As in previous years Grand Nordic has money set aside for Middle Park HS/Middle School Nordic programs. We have not received any requests as yet for money for equipment, etc.

MOTION: Set aside $2,000 as a line item for helping fund the Nordic students in HS/Middle School. PASSED. We also have $500 set aside for the grooming fund.

INSURANCE: A motion was made to PAY FOR ANOTHER YEAR OF INSURANCE. THE MOTION WAS TABLED until the next meeting. (The discussion that followed outlined the pros/cons of another year of insurance. Granby Ranch required insurance before they would let us use their land for our ski trek. Our events are covered in case of something going wrong or someone being hurt. Mike said that the insurance is a waste of money. It covers the club but not individual board members. The $800 cost could be better used. After some discussion the
MOTION WAS TABLED until the next meeting (probably in October). The club is covered until December under the current policy so we can wait to make a decision until then).

The meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m.

Submitted by: Christine Lee, Secretary